Twisted Reflection

Friday, January 27, 2006 

I was looking to see if Midori was going to be putting on any workshops or classes this spring in my area.
(( my area...heh... In my instance the nearest town big enough for such a thing is just under 200 miles away ... nothing like living in friggin' BFE ))
She has put on a weekend workshop and show in a city north of me for two springs now so I was looking for any dates this year. Would make for a good bike trip pluss get some kinkster air in my lungs in the live. A small-ish event would be just right to kick off the summer. Although I'm thinking about making it to Thunder In the Mountains, Denver ...this year..... if not it "may" be Folsom Street Fair, SF, later in the year. I have someone who owes me a drink , seeing as she missed me ( or avoided me *taps toe* ) the last time I was there... people...yanno ?
It's all balanced on finances... especially with hotel and gas prices right now.....but, good chance.

I am way overdue in any way way overdue, it's been to long other than the occasional one on one traveler over dinner thing that I get blessed with as far as contact with other kinksters...... Starts to create a little knot in the gut after a while. I used to put more effort into "being involved" , as much as was at that time possible in my situation anyhow.. I do miss it... I kinda dropped out of the active community completely for a while after Angelique and I parted ways.. needed a little healing... I'm sure most understand that one. .. I'll cry about that in another post though. I know that is a new name to most who would be reading this.

The group that hosts events north of me isn't real big on the Internet thing and I lost my contact up there. Neither are the two groups to the east of me, although I still know one or two people involved there, they as a group (s) are rather elusive... you have to "know" someone.... which I do understand completely. My location just kinda puts a damper on things for me at times. I'll have to send a few e-mails tonight and see if someone has any idea.

( yes..I know.. north..east..yadda.. just use your imagination.. if I indicated my exact location in the open in my blog I would have to delete it then hunt you all down and kill you ..ha !! ... )

Anyhow, looking for date and place info on Midori I came across an article of hers that I thought was interesting. It also kind of relates to were my mind has been going lately.

I think it is an interesting "modern" mindset view of how it is community wise in this arena...especial now. And some good general and realistic thoughts. Without allot of buzzwords involved, just plain clean English for the most part.

Don't let the initial wording at the beginning put you off. It makes sense farther in.
I've no opinion, but can see it from my distance, this way. As compared to how it was shown to me back once upon a time.

Thought it might be interesting to a few here in any case and thought I might share/post the url before I move on and loose the web page.

the article can be found here

I'm sure most are familiar with places and people mentioned above, but for those who aren't and just so the above makes sense.. I know I used to get confused at one time " What the hell is he talking about? "

Thunder In The Mountains and Folsom Street Fair are two of the larger BDSM events in the US
Should be links in post above.

Midori is a fairly well known BDSM educator,book author and fetish diva.
Sites related to her BeautyBound and Fire Horse productions
She used to have a kick ass personal website with photos and articles but.. you can blame that being gone on the current government.

She is heavily into rope bondage...especially Shibari. Would love to attend something she is putting on...but... Her event and workshop tickets tend to sell out quickly.. ..grrr.

<<< ...rope-alolic.. or.."knoty" rather..* groans *..ok, that was my lame attempt at a funny today



Tuesday, January 24, 2006 

Tagged by curious and mi3 ... ( how do I almost always get double teamed on these things )
I'ma little late but I've had my hands full

Four jobs I've had in my life:

1) Sheetmetal Worker
2) Geochemical Lab Tech
3) Industrial Print Technician
4) Graphics Artist
(( I decided to leave off mopping floors in jail ))

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1) I seriously had to leave
2) this section blank because
3) I won't watch a movie again
4) for a year after I have seen it
(( favorite all time movie is On Golden Pond.. however ))

Four Places I have lived
1) Reno, NV
2) Sparks, NV
3) Jackpot, NV
4) Eureka, NV
(( I , up until the last few years, have always loved this state.... but.. things do change ))

TV shows I love to watch (currently on air):
1) Geee, another one I have
2) to leave blank because
3) I don't watch enough
4) TV to even know what shows to pick
(( does the 10 o'clock news count ? ))

Four places I have been on vacation:
1) Disney
2) Lagoon
3) South Dakota ( Mount Rushmore, Deadwood/black hills etc )
4) San Fransisco / Folsom Fair
(( Along with ocasionaly pulling the blinds shut, locking the doors, turning the phone off, chilling two bottles of vino and being any place I want to in my head ))

Four websites I visit daily:
1) Web Pro News
2) Slashdot
3) Motorcycle Online ( MO )
4) Fox News
(( wow.. am I really this friggin' boring ?..LOL ))

Four of my favorite foods:
1) Lamb / Basque style
2) Any sea food
3) Bacon wrapped asparagus
4) popcorn
(( I think they should make beer a food ... there is a porkchop in every can after all ))

Four places I would rather be right now:
1) A beach in Mexico
2) Texas or New Mexico .. I haven't decided yet
3) San Fransisco
4) Coos Bay, OR
(( I'd settle for the afternoon matinay, a coke,popcorn and a hand to hold about right now ))

I'm not sure who hasn't been tagged yet as I haven't had time to make my rounds to look but I'll poke around later on this evening and pick a victim or two *G*


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