Blogspot having issues>>
HA!! it wasn't me after all
My tech-geek ego is now restored ( I really didn't think it was me anyhow... really )
No information....but a few people sitting around trying to figure out what's up click here for a thread on that at bloggerforum.
I didn't see any mention of the exact problem but after trying to view blogs several different running threw proxy servers and IP backdoors thinking it was my IP blocking the sites ( this happens sometimes during server glitches ... or tech foobars ) I decided to run a ping and trcrt and found that the IP address that is used by all blogger subdomains was ok but the subdomains were not resolving. ( ...subdomain . ..rather than .. base domain first)
Thus couldn't even be checked. Subdomain again rather than a strait URL ... hummm.. me thinks this was an oversight. I've had this problem on with my domain hosts as well in the past thus avoid using subdomains in some critical instances.
It looks like whatever it was is fixed now though
Updated Firefox today just to find out that the spellchecker I use with it now doesn't work with the new version...bastiges. And blogspot doesn't work well with opera.. my other browser of choice when posting. So I am stuck using the blogger speelz checks. Which so does not understand my verbal jazz... It's not even funny.
So... how many of you were cussing your monitors out today *grinz*
Aye... and.. the ride didn't happen today... freaking weather blew in way early... rain..sleet and 50mph+ winds... Savage said.. go for a ride?..screw that
maybe tomorrow.
I was having the same problems, I turned my computer off, went and met a friend for a few drinks. Now
I am home and all is fine!>>
Annotated Eloquently By
Jonathan >>|
2/04/2006 8:16 PM>>
Thanks for the update, Savage! I just posted a question asking if anyone else had lost their postings yesterday....
And curious lost my comment.....
Reminds me of the other place! lol>>
Annotated Eloquently By
WistfulWench >>|
2/05/2006 5:52 AM>>
Gee... and I thought it was chantilly and she had decided to come over here and stalk me!!!>>
Annotated Eloquently By
Anonymous >>|
2/05/2006 7:00 AM>>
thanks, the "sub"domain thing was interesting. Hmmmm.>>
Annotated Eloquently By
fellahere >>|
2/05/2006 7:19 PM>>
Jonathan -- Thanks for the comment. Funny how that works huh.. walk away, come back and tadaaa
wistful -- eh, I lost a few comments too on a couple different blogs, had made them the night of.. I think curious is seeking in and taking them and hiding them in a coffee can in her back yard
curious -- *eyeballs ya*.. chantilly huh... humm. me thinks she wares the same perfume as you then
spring -- I agree 100%
fella -- it happens, sometimes techs don't know to avoid some dilemma... until they become dilemma
Annotated Eloquently By
Richard Blackwater >>|
2/06/2006 12:34 PM>>
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Annotated Eloquently By
Anonymous >>|
2/22/2007 7:15 PM>>