Twisted Reflection

Friday, January 20, 2006 

Altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi
The deepest rivers flow with the least sound.

Funny how true this is
shallow does indeed in some cases make the most noise.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 

Gawd I ache.

You know, that feeling you have during intermission of having a vital piece of equipment decide to go retarded on you when you needed it most. In doing so has put a dead stop to the last step of out the door production of product. You've gotten as far with prepares and redneck engineering as you can to "just" get back into operation...the band aid.

And still waiting on key parts to to hit the UPS entrance so you can go threw and redo everything over again the right way. It comes from having equiptment that has parts that none of the handful of electrical supply joints locally have even heard of let alone have on a shelf. Even the electricians scratch there head.

While one ton deadlines swing on a mere string over your head.

And your the man... everyone else's income under one working roof requires.. that you be "it" or doors will shut.
The one who knows it all, the one who will fix it... faith.. unconditional faith.

A little time to sit and think and drain. ... while waiting ... waiting... when people who's income rely that you be a god.. the look in there eyes, they see a god... the one who will save it all. They believe what you believe, they trust that all you say is the ultimate true.
It will be.

How they can get that from watching smoke and wires and testing equipment and funky little tools and half burned cigarettes and cussing and leftover food stains mixed with blood stains on grimey clothing on a mussed up madman with a nervous twitch and shitty attitude.... the mess on the floor the crap under his fingernails ... lacking a shave yet having bags under his eyes....
I will never know.

You put your own life on complete hold. You put off your real estate agent and a possible looker, you cancel appointments, reschedule personal clients, let your "other" work sit on your desk and fall behind, forget about the plumbing that needs fixed at home, let the dishes sit, wonder if the money was really there you had to spend, ask that creditors try back, shove everything else aside and turn blind to it..... and you make it..this one thing... true. The clock goes from 9pm to 1am before you know it then you get up the next morning and hit it running again....and go...and go....and go.

I've somehow always ended up in the position of being "the one" at almost every work place I have ever been in... as well as co-enhabitational settings. ... when shit hit's the fan and no one else knows how to fix it. ... yet I'm perpetually starving.

I am intelligent, I may have a few social handicaps...but I am extremely intelligent. I have a few natural gifts that sometimes I almost wish I didn't have.

In the right moment, in the right place... I end up godly
but given two hours of peace, when it all starts to ache....the body rejects pleasure, the mind wilts from the inlfamation of sensory and cogitation pounding and I somehow know that... that comes with unusual pains .
Everything at a price, even when it's hidden.


Sunday, January 15, 2006 

Finally added a Wacom graphics tablet to the laptop ( digital art tablet ).
Which is all I use at home anymore for a computer, the lapy. I like the option of sitting outside or taking a trip to the river for my personal computer play time. Nothing like chatting, playing, working, reading while listening to the river and watching the sun set... and miles from a phone jack or a talking human.
Well, that and everything else including several desk systems ( anyone need a used but working tower? they are just going to collect dust ) is boxed up, given away, sold or burned or about to be burned anyhow.

I have had a Wacom at the office for as long as I've been setting at that desk but always find something else to add to the home toys instead when the money is there. It's only a 6X8 ( active pad area ) but at 10" x 11" and 1/2 inch thick actual dimensions it's just about right for sliding into the laptop bag without taking up noticeable real estate.

It will be nice to NOT have to stay at that desk in the office at night if I have personal graphics projects or photos to edit that are not work related and don't require the larger tablets. Although I will have to get used to working with a smaller working area I'm finding.

If I wasn't planning on packing up and putting my show on the road once everything sells I'd really like to add a Cintiq to the tools at work. But, hey... maybe in another phase down the road.

Almost have the road office complete now in any case.

Lapy, cameras, tablet, portable solar charging system, Verizon Wireless Internet
prolly change to there cellular broadband eventually but I will say it works better than I had thought , HP Deskjet 450wbt Wireless Mobile Printer .... pluss all the goodies inbetween ... can we say .. fucking unplugged and on the road...ha!!... We will roll.

This town can kiss my fucking ass... once all is said and done... I'm fucking gone.
Anyone want to go photo journalize Mexico with me, I really could use an editor with my typing and spelling handicap. One with a set of tits, kinky and with a sharp attitude would be a bonus. Yes, I am shameless.
Knowing a bit of Spanish might save both of us......Life is meant to be an adventure... lived.
I'm fairly tired of listening to the stump fuckers talk, then sit down myself.....around here.

HP discontinued the Scanjet 4600 which wasn't the best scanner in the world anyhow. Cheap even. But I would have still had enough room in the computer dedicated bag to fit it... which is what counts in this case... and from what I saw after playing with one it would have been "ok" as I only need a scanner for base images to re-render anyhow. I'm friggin'' spoiled actually, I'm used to saying " if it cost under $1K and and can't scan in full tabloid and doesn't render me a perfect image of the original that even god himself couldn't paint then it's a piece of shit ".
Once you figure out that isn't going to happen in a portable suitable for bike travel you humble your view..... or do without.

If anyone knows of first hand a decent USB powered or battery operated even flat scanner please let me know. It is the only thing missing now.
Cheap is good, at work I am a god ... but outside of that, I am still a starving artist and they keep taxing the hell outa my beer and tobacco.


curently listning to...or was
Rolling Stones › Honky Tonk Woman
Don Mclean › American Pie

and have Tom Petty > Free Falling .. coming on

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